BCCI has set some new rules ahead of IPL 2024. In the 17th edition of Tata Indian Premier League, bowlers can throw two bouncers in an over and get benefit in the tournament. Whereas other cricket formats including ODI, Test, and T20I are still sticking with the ICC’s one-short-ball rule. BCCI decided to give liberty to the bowlers in the Indian Premier League.
Let’s check all new rule changes for IPL 2024 that may be minor but can impact IPL games.
Two Bouncers in an Over
According to this rule, a bowler is allowed to deliver two short balls per over in the 2024 IPL season. This rule was introduced by the BCCI in the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy (SMAT) earlier in the 2023 domestic season. This rule will definitely give a bowler a benefit over the batsman.
Impact Player rule
This rule was also introduced in the IPL 2023 for the first time by the BCCI. According to the Impact Player rule, other than XI players, every IPL team can select four substitute players at the toss. One of these four subs can be used as an Impact Player by the team during the match as a replacement.
Catch Review For Stumping Referrals
Catch Review is a new addition in favor of the fielding team to check whether it was a catch or not when a referral was made for the stumping. So even if a batter is not run out, there’s still a chance of catching out.
No stop-clock rule
The BCCI has removed the Stop-clock rule which restricts the amount of time taken between overs, which means that the bowling team must be ready to bowl the first ball of their next over within 60 seconds of the previous over being completed. Where ICC mandates this rule in all International cricket formats, there will be no stop-clock rule in the IPL.
Smart Replay System
This new rule will be beneficial to the TV umpire in making the right decision. Ahead of IPL 2024, BCCI’s new Smart Replay System will implement the overall 360-degree view which will feature eight high-speed cameras from Hawk-Eye strategically positioned around the ground. There will be two Hawk-Eye operators assisting the TV umpire with real-time images for accurate decision-making in the IPL 2024.
So these are all the 2024 IPL new rules for the upcoming tournament.