Handheld Sign

How to Play and Win

Ludo Rules:

Scribbled Underline 2
Scribbled Underline 2

In this web story, we will guide you through the rules of Ludo, providing you with all the necessary information to play and win.

Objective of the Game

The objective of Ludo is to be the first player to move all four of your game pieces from the starting point to the center of the board, also known as the home area. The player who accomplishes this goal first is declared the winner.


To play Ludo, you will need the following equipment:

* A Ludo game board* 16 game pieces, divided into four different colors (red, blue, green, and yellow)* A single six-sided die

Game Setup

Before starting the game, each player chooses a color and places their four game pieces in the corresponding colored starting area. The players take turns in a clockwise direction, with the youngest player going first.

Game Mechanics

To determine the number of spaces to move, players take turns rolling the die. The number rolled on the die indicates the number of spaces a player's game piece can move forward. Players must move their pieces in a clockwise direction along the outer track of the board.

Safe Zones and Home Area

The colored track on the board represents each player's safe zone. Players cannot capture or be captured by other players' pieces while in their safe zone. Once a player's piece reaches their home area, it is safe from capture and cannot be moved by other players.

Capturing Opponents' Pieces

If a player lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured and sent back to the starting area. The captured piece must be rolled out again from the starting area to re-enter the game.

Special Spaces

Start: This space allows a player to bring a new game piece into play.

Globe: When a game piece lands on a globe, it cannot be captured by opponents.

Arrow: A player can move their game piece to the next arrow space of the same color.

Home: The home area where game pieces are safe from capture.

Winning the Game

The first player to move all four of their game pieces into their home area is declared the winner. The game continues until all players have had their turn, and the winner celebrates their victory.

Variations and Strategies

Ludo has different variations and strategies that can add more excitement and challenge to the game. Some variations include team play, speed Ludo, and more. Experiment with different strategies to enhance your gameplay experience.

Variations and Strategies

Now that you know the rules of Ludo, gather your friends and family, set up the game board, and start rolling the die. Enjoy the thrill of competition, the joy of spending quality time together, and the laughter that comes with playing Ludo.

Remember, the key to a successful Ludo game is to have fun and create lasting memories. So, roll the dice and let the Ludo adventure begin!